UPDATE: ADoF currently isn’t available in ebook form. It’ll be back at some point, bigger and better. Sign up to the mailing list and I’ll tell you when that happens!
The A Day of Faces ebooks have been available for a long time via Kobo, Amazon and Nook. Due to me finally pulling my finger out, you can now also grab them at Smashwords, Apple iBooks, Inktera, Baker & Taylor, txtr, Overdrive and Scribd. And, no, I’ve not heard of half of those, either.
Critically, the first ebook in the series is entirely FREE if you grab it from Kobo or Smashwords. I’d make it free on Amazon as well, but they don’t let you unless you opt-in to their exclusivity stuff. Which I’m not going to do.
The series is also up on Goodreads, where you can leave honest reviews. Please do leave reviews wherever you want, as they really help get the book noticed.