Notes on ‘Traversing neurons’

This chapter is called ‘Traversing neurons’, or: How to disguise an infodump. It was an especially challenging chapter (I feel like I’m saying that a lot these days) because not only did it have to do a lot of heavy-lifting of the plot and backstory, it also had to depict […]

Notes on ‘Survivors’

Read it here! The very first chapter of The Mechanical Crown is called ‘Survival’, and introduced Tranton Seldon. That this chapter is called ‘Survivors’ and also is told from his perspective is not coincidental. Above all else, surviving is what Tranton Seldon does – whether he actually wants to or […]

Pen on paper pad

How Scrivener has improved my writing

I’m obsessed with finding the right tool for the job: my main source of stress is witnessing other people determinedly using inappropriate tools or processes, usually because they (incorrectly) think they don’t have time to fix it. When it comes to writing, my go-to tool for years has been Scrivener. […]

Notes on ‘The way forward’

Read it here. Starting a new arc of the story is always a challenge. While The Mechanical Crown is a single, on-going, novelistic story, it’s also structured somewhat like a television show: therefore chapter 1 of arc 6 is like the first episode of a new season, and that’s often […]