2010 has somehow arrived without anybody really noticing: December itself whipped by, as did Christmas, and the next thing I knew I was at a New Year’s Eve party at which people barely acknowledged the passing of the midnight hour (it was nonetheless a superb party, aside from my awful hangover the following day).

Time, then, to set out some of the year’s goals:

– Finish Evinden. First draft is already compete, as chronicled extensively on this blog. That edition is now with Slava and Nadia for editing. I received my first feedback from Slava at the NYE party and I’m very excited to say it was lovely and positive. Then again, I do believe the lady had been drinking.

– Finish Of Rock And Earth. This is my NaNoWriMo 2009 novel, which is about 10-15k words short of completion. that will also then need a second draft, of course.

– Write short stories. I’ve a couple of short story ideas that have been buzzing around in my head for a while: this year I want to actually get them penned. Probably in-between editing the novels.

– Get published. This is the tricky one. However, I will be pursuing some kind of publishing solution for all of the above, starting with the short stories in some of the scifi fiction magazines.

Those are my major creative goals. Ideally I’d also love to work on more rewarding film projects, but the writing has to take priority. There’s also a new audio drama in the works which I sincerely hope to be involved with on a script level (and perhaps acting?).

On top of that there’s a load of personal goals I won’t go into here (not yet, at least) and work goals in taking my projects at FXhome up a notch or three.

Plus I’ll be turning 30 at some point.

I may even finish Dragon Age. Now that would really be an achievement!


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