Writings, Christmas, Film4, stuff

An assortment to things to write about this evening while I render out 30+ VFX shots for Guinod, a martial arts opera I’ve been helping a friend finish off. It premieres in a couple of weeks at Norwich’s Cinema City, so I’ll be sure to say how it goes. Bulk of my work on it is done, I just have to render all the bits and pieces – a process that is considerably fiddlier than it should be due to a few quirks in the compositing software I’m using. (more…)

The last 20k

Not found the time to blog either here or over at Potential Gamer for over a month; similarly the Spiffing Review has taken an unfortunate back seat. That’s what NaNoWriMo does to you. It’s over now, of course, and I’m Read more…


Love is confusing, intransient, obtuse, contrary, thrilling and frustrating. It’s an appropriate name for a fascinating new multiplayer experiment from a single man. (more…)