According to this page on Wikipedia, most genre awards classify a novelette as being between 7,500 and 17,500 words, while a novella goes from there up to about 40,000 words. Presumably anything below 7,500 is a simple old short story.

Going by this definition, the short story I just finished writing, Millennium Surfing, is actually a novelette. Which sounds pleasantly quirky!

It’s about ego and ambition and stubbornness and technology and hubris. It’s about progress without restraint. It’s about flying around the sun really bastard fast. Essentially: one man decides to experience the future using vaguely scientific methods involving time dilation. There are what I hope are big ideas scattered through the story but it should also be a lot of fun. That’s the plan.

The first draft is finished and I’m currently taking a slight break before diving back in to edit it down. After that I’ll seek some feedback before deciding what to do with it. I may try to fire it off to Interzone et al to see if they’d like to publish it. If that doesn’t work I’ll sling it over to Wattpad, a publishing platform/social network that has been intriguing me for some time now.

TL;DR – finished a new story! Woo.


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