Writing chapter 52: Stimulus

Last time I observed that Arc 4 has swelled to twice the size of previous arcs (I’m writing this particular diary retrospectively).

‘Stimulus’ could quite happily have marked the beginning of Arc 5, if I’d chosen to delineate it that way. I may still decide to split it that way when I create the ebooks versions, keeping each arc roughly the same kind of size. (more…)

Writing chapter 51: Interlude #8

I’d like to say this was planned from the start. I really would. Truth is, this twist was a fairly late addition to the story.

The plan had always been for Furey to have an unknown side, and that ‘Rose Furey’ wasn’t her real name. She was intended to be a bit of an enigma, even something of an overly-familiar trope (self-constructed, in her case), who would then be turned upside-down around about now. The specifics were always a little fluffy, though. (more…)

Writing chapter 50: Symbiosis

There’s a bit more exposition in this chapter than I’d like. It’s one of those pivotal chapters that reconfigures the story and points it off in a brand new and unexpected direction, and I feel like I did that somewhat less gracefully than I’d have liked.

That said, it’s also serving as something of a breather, giving readers (and the characters) a moment to sit back, relax, and have a break from the continuing tension. Essentially, Kay and Marv have been on the run in one way or another for about two whole arcs and haven’t had proper downtime since leaving the farmhouse at the start of Arc 3. They deserve a moment of peace and reflection. (more…)

Writing chapter 49: Society

The opening here is simultaneously a reminder of just how scary Cal and Kay can be, as well as showing how you always have a choice about how to act. Cal wields unimaginable power, and Kay is a strong and dangerous person, physically. But she’s not defined by what she is: she’s defined by what she chooses to do. Cal’s not quite as good at that.

This is Kay growing into her leadership position. Ezekiel is a horrid person. Revenge is easy. It even makes sense – one less enemy to worry about. But it sends a certain kind of message, and builds a certain kind of world, and that’s not what Kay’s about. (more…)

Writing chapter 48: Pain

In my planning notes for this chapter, I wrote “Kind of a horror chapter”. That was the driving force behind it and what dictated the style and approach.

It’s a horror chapter in two parts. The first is Kay’s hopeless situation, as a mentally tortured prisoner. The second is Ezekiel’s increasing terror as his carefully controlled power centre disintegrates. Both are told from Kay’s limited and subjective perspective, but the victim shifts from her to Ezekiel as it progresses. (more…)

Writing chapter 47: Metabolism

And so begins the mid-arc 3-parter! A fair few chapters in arcs 2 and 3 are relatively self-contained, due to the road-trippy nature of the plot. Metabolism shakes things up, by pulling the rug out from underneath our heroes.

Thus far they’ve been doing rather well. Even in Limbic System, when they’re in serious trouble, it’s mostly about Furey kicking ass. In Metabolism we see that they’re just as vulnerable as they’ve ever been. (more…)

Oculus has forgotten its reason to exist

Start with Why. Then figure out How. That leads to What. Never start with What.

Oculus kickstarted the modern, fledgling virtual reality industry – literally, on Kickstarter. VR has been around in various forms for decades. The Oculus Rift represented a major leap forwards and received massive goodwill and public support.

Fast forward to now and there are multiple players in the market. Most notably Oculus (now owned by Facebook) and the Vive from the odd pairing of Valve and HTC. But this industry isn’t like home video in the 80s – back then, home video was definitely going to happen. The format war between VHS and Betamax was daft, but it didn’t threaten the very concept itself.
