Multiwinia previewed
Three years ago any article about Introversion and its games would have been prefaced with something along the lines of “you might not have heard of them, but…” (more…)
Three years ago any article about Introversion and its games would have been prefaced with something along the lines of “you might not have heard of them, but…” (more…)
Continuing our Introversion features this week, here’s an interview with Darwinia‘s lead developer Chris Delay. (more…)
Note: This is an old review of Darwinia that I wrote for back in 2006. As this week is more-or-less Introversion week, I thought it timely to reprint it here… (more…)
I want Potential Gamer to be as ‘multimedia’ an experience as possible. Which in this day and age means lots and lots of video content – which so far has been conveniently provided by the likes of et al. However, once some proper original content appears (rather than just […]
Ukrainian developer Deep Shadows have released a bonkers video for their forthcoming mix-tape game The Precursors. (more…)
The Fallout games have reached almost mythical status among PC gamers. (more…)
Apologies for the lack of a preview article yesterday – life unfortunately overtook me and time slipped away. (more…)
Well now, isn’t this exciting? I’ve only gone and started up another blog. I mentioned Potential Gamer last time, but since then it’s actually become a reality. Small steps so far, with a daily update focusing on the news coming out of E3, but the real debut will come next […]
As I mentioned yesterday, going into E3 there wasn’t really much on my radar other than Left 4 Dead. (more…)
While I’m unfortunately too unimportant and poor to actually attend E3, I can scour the web as well as the next person in search of juicy tidbits. (more…)