Notes on ‘Investigations’

I’ve previously posted writing notes for The Mechanical Crown over on Patreon. I’ve now moved away from Patreon, hence shifting notes over to my own blog. I’ll aim to transfer over notes on previous chapters over the coming weeks. Read this chapter here. The tensions continue to build. There’s an odd thing […]

Notes on ‘Tangled Echoes’

Read it here: If the previous Arc 5 chapters were grim, ‘Tangled echoes’ descends into full-on despair. The aim here was to write something unrelenting, with a sense of rot and impending disaster permeating the whole thing. It’s punctuated somewhat by Fenris’ brief moments of optimism and hope, as […]

Finding a title for your novel

Titles are massively important and often irritatingly elusive. If you publish in a serialised, weekly format like me you need to figure out titles right up front, before you’ve written the whole story. You get more breathing space if you’re publishing traditionally, or self-publishing a completed, edited ebook, but at some point you still need to commit. (more…)

Notes on ‘The Ruptured World’

Read it here: It’s been a good 10 chapters since we last got inside Kirya’s head and a lot has happened since then. She’s in the unenviable position of being someone who has always considered herself enlightneed and progressive, only to discover that she was deeply entrenched in the […]

Notes on ‘Leading the Lost’

Read it here: Arc 5 is about pulling our characters down into the mire. In ‘Leading the lost’ we get to see a background character come to the fore, as Galisai takes over from the unfortunate Hachim. Galisai is someone who on the surface looks entirely capable and confident […]

Notes on ‘Late warning Signs’

Read it here: Arc 5 starts grim. It’s grim in the mountains, it’s grim back home. In ‘Late Warning Signs’ we find out just how far King Guijus has fallen. He’s a man with no clear motivation. He doesn’t know WHY he does what he does: he was born […]

Notes on ‘Tainted promises’

Read it here: Like I said, Arc 5 is about answering some of the questions that have been buzzing around this story from the very start. ‘Tainted promises’ isn’t explicit but it does have some pretty strong clues and indicators. For most of the time I’ve been writing TMC, […]

Notes on ‘The past and future threat’

Read it here: This may well be the longest chapter of the book so far, clocking in at 2,772 words. Given that my weekly target is 1,200, that’s quite a bumper edition. Not uncoincidentally, this chapter arrived a day later than usual. I wrote this while on a fmaily […]

Notes on ‘Crowjun’

Read it here: The village of Crowjun has been in the plan from the very start. It featured briefly in the first draft of the story over a decade ago and always served as a creepy entry point to the mountains. Originally Crowjun was a deserted village at the […]