Notes on ‘New alliances’

Read it here: This is a dialogue-heavy chapter in which characters meet up who have not been in the same scenes previously. That’s always a fun opportunity, whereby you can use the juxtaposition to shine a new light on those personalities and see how they react to each other. […]

Notes on ‘Beware of old gods’

Read it here: In this chapter we dig into the question of “what’s going on?” in greater detail. However, rather than it be Exposition Chapter Part 2, this does something slightly different – and hopefully more interesting. For starters, it’s called ‘Beware of old gods’, which immediately sets the tone. […]

Notes on ‘A new truth’

Read it here: This chapter was always going to be a tricky one. There’s a lot of information to share, and I do what I can to lessen the weight of it by a) presenting it in the form of a museum and b) having the characters explore the information […]

Notes on ‘Blue skies’

Read it here: At last, some relief. We’ve essentially had 14 chapters of increasing grimness as the story descended into its worst moments so far. This arc was always going to be like this, taking some of the youthful exuberance and optimism of the earlier parts of the book and […]

Notes on ‘Fantasia’

Read it here: Well, lots going on in this one, then. Where to start? 1. The flying disc thing. Thus far, The Mechanical Crown has been a low-fantasy story, with magic being hinted at but almost always being far away in the background, or in the distant past (if […]

Notes on ‘The purge’

Read it here: Arc 5 has been about a gradual, creeping sense of dread. It began with Fenris’ gang taking their first steps into the mountains, a place clearly touched by some kind of unnatural force. Then back in Treydolain we see the corruption and disintegration of rationality. Returning […]

Notes on ‘Matters of trust’

Read it here: Things go from bad to worse, as if that’s even possible, though you do have to be paying some attention to realise. This chapter, in large part, is about seeing glimpse of what Pienya could have been, given better role models. We catch a glimpse of […]