SFL 48 Hour Film Challenge 2011!

20.49 Wednesday Ok, I lied – one more blog update. It’s worth it, though, because it’s in order to show you the finished film: I’ll be blogging in new blog posts from now on. 😉 20.55 Tuesday This final blog update comes to you from outside the 48 hour period […]

Writing chapter 48: Pain

In my planning notes for this chapter, I wrote “Kind of a horror chapter”. That was the driving force behind it and what dictated the style and approach.

It’s a horror chapter in two parts. The first is Kay’s hopeless situation, as a mentally tortured prisoner. The second is Ezekiel’s increasing terror as his carefully controlled power centre disintegrates. Both are told from Kay’s limited and subjective perspective, but the victim shifts from her to Ezekiel as it progresses. (more…)

This Day and Age – Colchester 60 Hour Film Festival 2015

Over the weekend I worked on a short film for the Colchester 60 Hour Film Festival. It’s called This Day And Age and you can watch it here:

Aside from a single VFX shot I contributed to The Splinter Cell last year (some BTS on that here), this is pretty much the first film project I’ve been part of since my son was born three years ago. Which is fine – I’ve had far too much fun helping him grow into something awesome to dilly-dally with making films. (more…)

Back to normal

Two weekends have passed without any kind of 48 hour challenge involved, which is an immense relief. Although it was good fun and hugely rewarding, I certainly wouldn’t want to do more than one a year – and next time I don’t intend to shoot and edit, which meant that […]

Lore, exposition & world building

Is ‘lore’ something which excites you or provokes a roll of the eyes? If you’re not a regular reader or viewer of genre fiction, especially science fiction and fantasy, you may not even have heard the term in this context. lore/lɔː/nouna body of traditions and knowledge on a subject or […]

Let’s do some plotting

The most recent free resource pack from the National Centre for Writing focuses on PLOT and, once again, is chock full of goodies. There’s Nicola Upson on the podcast, Okechukwu Nzelu on designing the plot of his novel, Inua Ellams connecting plot to style, and me going on about how […]

Download character templates

The National Centre for Writing has been producing free resource packs for writers every couple of months this year, kicking off in January. It’s been a lot of fun to put them together and they’re packed full of REALLY good stuff. This was always the plan, even pre-lockdown, but it’s […]