100932 – in the big city
Finally broke the 100k mark! Whether that’s a good thing or not remains to be seen; I’ll no doubt cut a massive chunk out of the book when I get to editing, as I have an unfailing tendency to over-write Read more…
Finally broke the 100k mark! Whether that’s a good thing or not remains to be seen; I’ll no doubt cut a massive chunk out of the book when I get to editing, as I have an unfailing tendency to over-write Read more…
A couple of days ago I realised with a shock that it was already February. Given that my deadline for an Evinden first draft is the end of February, I experienced a moment of mild panic. Back at the very Read more…
Racing games have always been something that I’ve liked more in theory than in practise, always being overly silly and arcadey or tediously ‘realistic’. GRID falls into a pleasant in-between (more…)
This is more like it. I feel like I’m actually getting somewhere now – still not fast enough, mind you, but I can feel the momentum building. Plus the appraisal is done with (and seemed to go positively), so my Read more…
Slowly but surely, slowly but surely. Another 830 words since the last update. Not nearly fast enough, but nonetheless heading in the right direction. I’ve finished a major action set piece and am now indulging in a highly atmospheric reveal Read more…
So, only 692 more words since the last update, eh? It’s not quite as pathetic as it seems, however, as I’ve also made considerable progress on related documents, which have helped to bring the overall story arc and specifically the Read more…
I’ve decided to make this blog entirely about my writing efforts, which currently are focused on Evinden. This should make everything far more purposeful, rather than every post drifting about aimlessly as they have for the last couple of years. Read more…
Eurogamer recently completed their round-up of the top 50 games of the year, as voted for by their writers. As usual for EG it’s a fairly eclectic mixture crossing all platforms and genres (more…)
GTA IV has finally arrived on PC shores after an agonising six month wait, giving us keyboardites a chance to savour its multiplayer innovations. (more…)
The apparently talented chaps over at the Black Mesa team have released a trailer for their forthcoming Half Life remake. And, by jove, if it isn’t rather spiffing. (more…)