Writing chapter 43: Interlude #7

I’ve rather let these writing diaries slip of late, due to a rather intense month (entirely unrelated to ADoF). Let’s do some catching up.

Chapter 43, ‘Interlude #7’, concludes the mini-Cal/Holt sub-plot. This kicked off at the very end of Arc 2, and rumbled through Arc 3 in the interludes. At last, here in Arc 4, that storyline meets its ending. (more…)

Feeling the chill: summoning the trolls

A recent video I produced and presented for the HitFilm channel was all about editing gaming videos. Pretty simple but useful stuff, presented in a nicely relaxed manner. Given the channel has a fairly diverse viewership, I wanted to have a brief overview that established the culture of online gaming videos for anybody unfamiliar with the concept. Here’s the finished video:

When scripting the episode I had a moment of weakness and it’s been irritating me ever since. (more…)

Writing chapter 40: Paradigm

Read A Day of Faces for free here. Read this specific chapter here. Read all the writing notes here. I’ve been getting rather behind on my A Day of Faces behind-the-scenes posts. Apologies. ‘Paradigm’ marks the beginning of Arc 4, which means it is also the beginning of the end. […]

Do Not Cross: my new game project

I’m contributing my writing to a game! This is exciting news. I’ve written novels and short stories, worked on screenplays for short films, created my own comics and worked on audio drama scripts but games development has remained elusive. They’re the exciting new frontier but share a similarity with filmmaking, which is that they’re really difficult to do on your own. (more…)

DIY spaceships in 2016

I made a new video for the HitFilm YouTube channel. Check it out:

Two things to note:

  1. I need a haircut.
  2. The spaceship shot I created for that tutorial is better than any of the effects in my favourite sci-fi shows of the 1990s. It’s getting towards being acceptable for a mid-2000s show, at least with a bit more work.
