About secrets and MI5 and Snowden

The metaphorical sequence of events: Person A does something pretty naughty to Person B, without Person B even knowing. You know, like pinning a note to his back that says “KICK ME”. Person C finds out about it and tells a whole lot of other people what Person A has […]

Thoughts on The Room


Ah, mobile gaming. So, so bad.

At least, that’s been my experience of it for the most part. Even the potentially good games are crippled by terrible UI, the touch screen being woefully inadequate for so many genres. Worst of all are those games which put pretend keys or controllers on the screen, the developers seemingly oblivious that you’re then going to be covering half the screen with your thumbs.

I’d bumped into a few notable exceptions over the years – World of Goo translates wonderfully to touch, Broken Sword is quite fun, Need For speed: Most Wanted was surprisingly entertaining.

Recently, though, I discovered The Room (more…)

The internet is real life

There’s a bit of a problem with discourse about the internet and how it fits into modern life. Whether the specific topic is about bullying, political activism, marketing or anything else, you’ll continually hear pundits referring to two particular universes: The Real World This is the world that existed before […]

Gone Home’s motivation issue


Everybody was very, very excited about Gone Home. Being a little pre-occupied with an 8 month old, the game had slipped below my radar prior to release but, upon seeing frenzied exclamations from trusted friends, I decided to take a look.

It has so far left me a little conflicted. (more…)

Gunpoint is brilliant

Time for my first post-Potential Gamer post about gaming. Weird.

Gunpoint 2013-08-23 11-02-15-56

Upon completion of Tom Francis’ Gunpoint a blog post is created based upon your activities in the game. You’re invited to choose the precise wording by picking from some glib options and are then presented with your own, personalised Secret Blog. It’s a quietly excellent finishing touch to a game full of underplayed excellence. (more…)

Kickstarter spotlight

I’ve got my detailed breakdown of the HitFilm for Mac Kickstarter (and how we did it) coming up soon but in the meantime wanted to mention a couple of other campaigns: Ren I’ve worked with Kate Madison on numerous projects over the years, from Arms Race Escalation all the way […]


The thing about changes is that they are often afoot. So here’s the plan. I am bringing all content from Potential Gamer over to this blog and will be shutting down/archiving/something Potential Gamer forthwith. Why? Because that site was originally set up as something of a gaming journalism portfolio, a […]