Alessio Rastani, infocracy and Wikimoku

A man called Alessio Rastani trended all over the internet in the last 48 hours due to a remarkable interview he gave on the BBC. You can read all about it here. What he talked about isn’t particularly startling – it’s what any slightly cynical or rational person will have […]

Let me be clear: catchphrase rioting

‘Let me be clear’, the current political phrase-du-jour, was used by David Cameron three times today in his riot speech. Including derivations it was used eleven times. I’m beginning to suspect that there’s a correlation here, with clarity gradually dropping as the number of ‘let me be clear’s increases. There […]

Short story: The Reaper Meter

A few months back I wrote this for the Writers & Artists short story competition. It didn’t get anywhere, which means I can now put it online for general perusal. It’s called The Reaper Meter and is an idea I’ve had floating around for ages, concerning a scientist attempting to […]

Some VFX updates

Above is a quick test I made using HitFilm, FXhome’s new super-amazing-does-everything video software. I may be biased. I made a little tutorial to go with that video: The lovely thing about making tutorials for HitFilm is how responsive it is – you don’t need to do any massaging of […]

What I did for 3 years

The last week was an interesting one. For the last 3 years-or-so I’ve been working at FXhome on a brand new video product called HitFilm. For most of those 3 years it was entirely under wraps, which meant I spent an awful lot of time promising our video fans that […]

SFL 48 Hour Film Challenge 2011!

20.49 Wednesday Ok, I lied – one more blog update. It’s worth it, though, because it’s in order to show you the finished film: I’ll be blogging in new blog posts from now on. 😉 20.55 Tuesday This final blog update comes to you from outside the 48 hour period […]