The Orphan Factory, rejiggled

So, looks like I never actually wrote about the new version of The Orphan Factory, despite managing to update the Short Films page. When I officially joined the It’s A Trap! team last year, one of the first things we did was bring The Orphan Factory under the IAT banner. […]

Infocracy short story

I’m currently dabbling with the idea of ‘infocracy’, which is a structural system which operates through the open distribution of information and a flatter hierarchy than, say, a bureaucracy which tends to have more of a triangular leadership setup. An infocracy by its nature empowers more people to have the […]

Introducing: The Hidden Valley

UPDATE: I’ve switched back to Evinden for now. Apparently Hidden Valley is a brand of condiments in the US. Who knew!? I’m now calling Evinden by a new name: The Hidden Valley. It’s still likely to be only a working title, as it’s rather generic, but it at least means […]

Of Rock And Earth – 1st draft complete!

At long last, the first draft of Of Rock And Earth is complete! It’s 87,271 words long, which is rather short for me, and I imagine will become considerably longer with editing. This is something of a reversal for me – usually my first drafts are epically over-long and require […]

Hey, remember those books?

So 2010 turned out to be a bit of a weird one for my writing, with the Arms Race short film rather taking over all my spare creative time. That turned out great but by the time it premiered back in November it was absolutely time to get back to […]

Truth, justice and the English way

I will be brief: Paul Chambers is taking his appeal regarding the ‘Twitter Joke Trial’ to the High Court. To do so is very expensive. At least £10,000 expensive. Unfortunately, to have justice you have to be rich – unless you’ve got most of the online community behind you, of […]

My Authentic Thai Cooking

On Tuesday I found myself at The Walpole Arms in Itteringham (read: in the middle of nowhere) rolling my own spring rolls under the tuition of Thai chef Praewrat Donaldson. This came about thanks to the generosity of my friends, who banded together to get me a special 30th birthday […]