Arms Race is finished! Plus poster #1

Arms Race is, at last, finished. I thought it was finished on Sunday evening, then made the mistake of showing it to Swiss filmmaker Marco Von Moos, who proceeded to point out a number of areas in the cut that could be considerably tightened. Annoyingly, he was absolutely correct. Thus […]

New short story

I thought I’d put it up a good while ago but it would seem I did not, so you can now find a new short story by the name of It’s A Dirty Job on the short stories page. It was written for a competition in which it didn’t get […]

Paul Chambers’ appeal is today

I wrote about Paul Chambers back in May, a few months after he’d been convicted or sending a threatening message via Twitter by the CPS, resulting in him losing his job and receiving a criminal record. While Paul’s conviction is worrying enough as it is, given the obviously jokey and […]

Arms Race in final stages

Steamtech short film Arms Race is finally nearing completion, with the first pass at the grading having been completed pending some tests on different monitor setups (such is life when you can’t afford a properly calibrated setup). All the VFX shots are in, after what seemed like a bit of […]

Final stages of VFX on Arms Race

Other than a marvelous week’s holiday to Northumberland in August (which I can actually call research, given that Of Rock And Earth is set in the same region) I’ve had a busy month-or-two. The main occupation of my time has been my dad’s book, a biography of explorer Dr Reginald […]

Spiffing Review continues

Almost a year ago I started podcasting with Mr Wayne Bolt. This was my first foray into podcasterisation – while I’ve written and presented lots of video material for FXhome over the years, I’d never ventured into audio-only territory. The first time since I recorded my own pretend radio shows […]

Section 44 and Digital Economy Act

I always thought Section 44 sounded like the emergency measure Emperor Palpatine invokes in Revenge of the Sith when he wipes out all the Jedi. Back in reality, it served a slightly less final purpose but similarly insidious. As part of the Terrorism Act (a nasty act in itself, running […]

Johnny’s New Job, by Chris Beckett

Having just had a week off work I’ve been catching up on the last few issues of Interzone. #227, the March-April issue, contained a story called ‘Johnny’s New Job’, written by Chris Beckett. It’s a scathing, damning criticism of the media, government and mob mentality that always forms in the […]