That’s quite enough politics, thank you

Gosh, it’s been a noisy few months. First there was the Digital Economy Bill debacle, swiftly followed by the Digital Economy Act debacle, then the General Election reared its ugly head, with the Paul Chambers Absurdity coming in at the end. All jolly exciting and extremely useful for boosting up […]

Paul Chambers, Twitter and justice

I became aware of a man called Paul Chambers today. As best I can tell, Paul is an entirely normal sort of chap. A bit like me, a bit like you. He has an active online presence, including regular updates to Twitter. In January of this year, after heavy snowfall […]

Hit and run voters?

You remember that awful moment during the Digital Economy Bill debacle, when after a few hours of rushed debate in the Commons in which only a handful of MPs showed any kind of understanding of the topics (hello, Tom Watson) the vote was finally called and suddenly around 200 MPs […]

Comics you might enjoy

Although I’m by no means an authority on comics (in fact, quite the opposite) I have been reading them for many, many years now and have uncovered quite a few gems. A friend recently mentioned that he’d like to read more comics, so I thought this was a good opportunity […]

70,743 – heading towards a confrontation

I’m moving swiftly towards the finale of my second novel, Of Rock And Earth. It’s considerably shorter than Evinden, but that’s by design – plus the current word count is a little deceptive as the first third of the book needs some serious bulking up once I start editing. Halfway […]

Back to normal

Two weekends have passed without any kind of 48 hour challenge involved, which is an immense relief. Although it was good fun and hugely rewarding, I certainly wouldn’t want to do more than one a year – and next time I don’t intend to shoot and edit, which meant that […]