Dissent required

I wake today feeling decidedly naive. Last night I learnt a lot about the UK democratic process and how Parliament works. Courtesy of BBC Democracy Live (a superb resource) I was able to watch the third and final debate on the Digital Economy Bill in the House of Commons. It […]

Statistical depression

Back in October I wrote an article about what I called ‘the idiot superclass’. It was a rant about what I saw as the vast mass of humanity that serves no useful purpose, following a couple of homophobic incidents in the UK that week but not about them specifically. In […]

Evinden – first feedback

You may remember that when I’m not ranting about the Digital Economy Bill, I like to spend my time writing. Late last year I finished the first draft of my first novel, Evinden, and this weekend I received a response from the first person to read the book in its […]

DE Bill round-up

Here’s a quick update on the Digital Economy Bill, for anybody that’s interested. I have not received a response or even an acknowledgement to my second letter to Charles Clarke. Presumably the stock response wouldn’t work a second time, so the email was conveniently ‘put aside’. A shame. If Clarke […]

61,197 – in need of regularity

Had a good day of writing Of Rock And Earth today. I’ve been struggling with mild writer’s block for a few weeks, ever since I launched into ‘act 3’ of the story, finding myself suddenly in unfamiliar territory without a map. Although I had a plot overview for this section […]