In defence of Dropbox and web lockers

Further to the misguided, disastrous amendments to the Digital Economy Bill brought in earlier in the week, Thursday saw the situation – somehow – get even worse, with the attempt to outlaw ‘web lockers’ such as YounSendIt and Dropbox. Cory Doctorow explains it here. Web lockers enable people to upload […]

Digital Economy Bill gets worse

Quick post, more thoughts to come later… To paraphrase a Michael Bay film, this shit just got real. Both the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats are positing an amendment to the bill that takes it into even scarier territory, enabling mass censorship of websites based on unsubstatiated claims of copyright […]

Mark Charan Newton’s Remix Project

A writer I discovered at the SFX Weekender last month, Mark Charan Newton, writes a blog containing all sorts of useful information for writers. It’s well worth bookmarking if you’re into that kind of thing. Something else that emerged from the SFX Weekender was Newton’s idea (well, China Mieville’s idea, […]

59,333 – part 2 complete!

Back to the word count subject prefixes for me, as I continue work on Of Rock And Earth, the novel that I began as something of an experiment for 2009’s NaNoWriMo. I successfully hit the 50,000 word limit by the end of November, which meant I’d achieved my first ever […]

From Pontins to Axams

For the last two weeks we’ve been gallivanting about on holiday, taking in rather diverse locations and activities. Come to the end of it and I’m rather more knackered than I was at the start, which possibly wasn’t the plan, but otherwise a good time was had by all. Let’s […]

To Innsbruck!

Just a quick one, as the iPhone wordpress app managed to lose my longer post earlier. Currently in the Marriott at Gatwick airport, which is a very pleasant hotel – especially compared to Pontins, where I spent my weekend (listen to a podcast on that, here) – before flying to […]