
Jack Steel returned for his series 2 premiere on Friday, for which some of the cast and crew rendezvoused at a pub for the grand playback. Definitely a step up from season1, with a broader storyline and a soundscape that is more epic, more polished and MORE STEEL. Congrats to […]

Arms Race

I’ve begun work editing Arms Race, the steampunk period peace set during an alternative Crimean War directed by my friend Nigel Clegg. We shot it last summer out in the wilds of Norfolk. So far it’s being kept under wraps, so that we don’t spoil the nifty set, costumes and […]

2010: the year I write some books

2010 has somehow arrived without anybody really noticing: December itself whipped by, as did Christmas, and the next thing I knew I was at a New Year’s Eve party at which people barely acknowledged the passing of the midnight hour (it was nonetheless a superb party, aside from my awful […]

Writings, Christmas, Film4, stuff

An assortment to things to write about this evening while I render out 30+ VFX shots for Guinod, a martial arts opera I’ve been helping a friend finish off. It premieres in a couple of weeks at Norwich’s Cinema City, so I’ll be sure to say how it goes. Bulk of my work on it is done, I just have to render all the bits and pieces – a process that is considerably fiddlier than it should be due to a few quirks in the compositing software I’m using. (more…)

The last 20k

Not found the time to blog either here or over at Potential Gamer for over a month; similarly the Spiffing Review has taken an unfortunate back seat. That’s what NaNoWriMo does to you. It’s over now, of course, and I’m exceedingly pleased to have made the 50k word count within […]

And so it begins…again

NaNoWriMo 2009 has begun. It being the annual, global challenge to write a 50,000 word novel during the month of November, from start to finish. To do so means writing about 2000 words per day, which in theory should be entirely doable. On my first day yesterday I hit 1,792 […]

Climbing the mountain (with a sled full of meat)

Only my fellow FXhome colleagues will understand that obscure subject line. It’s my birthday tomorrow! Although I only really remembered this evening, thanks to my parents, Wayne, James and Lucy unexpectedly buying me lovely presents (well, I presume Wayne’s is lovely, I’ve not actually opened it yet. It might be […]

The idiot superclass

(WARNING: I’m sufficiently annoyed to have invoked The Charlie Brooker style in this article) The human race has got this far not by being inherently superior to other animals, or by being of above average intelligence and physical stature. Homo sapiens are, in general, a bit shit. We’re one of […]