At the final count: 159,803 words & 471 pages

My claims of “first draft compete!” earlier this week were slightly premature. Since then I’ve done some additional fiddling and formatting and only NOW have a proper first draft. Quite a respectable length, really – about 25,000 words short of Dune. Whether the quality is worth speaking about remains to […]


Love is confusing, intransient, obtuse, contrary, thrilling and frustrating. It’s an appropriate name for a fascinating new multiplayer experiment from a single man. (more…)

149,566 – War! What is it good for?

Well, it’s good for exciting finales, for a start. But I’d better say no more for fear of dropping too many spoilers. Hard to find time to write the last few weeks, what witha combination of House Moving Stuff, podcasting and Batman: Arkham Asylum (the compulsion is waning, though, so […]

145,556 – New house, same book

Soooo, been busy. Just moved house, you see, across the city to a lovely detached place in which I can finally unleash full volume surround sound without causing aural bodily harm to the neighbours. Bliss! Despite this I’ve managed to scrounge a few moments here and there to write some […]

Dollhouse season 1

We finished the first season of Dollhouse last night, with the vaguely legendary Epitaph One episode that inexplicably wasn’t aired in the States and was only shown over there on the DVD release. Thankfully Virgin here in the UK showed the whole lot. My concluding thoughts were that it’s now […]