142,271 – clash, bang, biff, smash

Just a quick one, as I’m off to work in a sec. Word count is still rising, battle’s progresing nicely. There’s really not long to go now, glancing over my plot outline. If it wasn’t for the fact I’m probably moving house next month I’d be confident of finishing! Having […]

139,952 – ACTION

I have unleashed! So to speak. Just quickie update this, as it’s late, but I simply couldn’t resist blogging about my excitement at finally getting into the climactic action at the end of my novel Evinden. This is where it all coalesces: all the pieces come together in a great, […]

132,163 and counting

Yes, I’m still writing the book. Yes, I passed my second self-imposed deadline a very, very long time ago. What can I say? I’ve been busy! Vegas, Derbyshire and now moving house. Which is gradually moving along – had a couple of viewings today which seemed to go OK, another […]

Clambering about on the property ladder

Our house is now officially For Sale. It’s on the various housing websites, there’s a big bloody great sign out the front and – most telling of all – we’ve had a good old tidy up. We’re in ‘race against time’ mode currently, as we’ve spotted a rather delicious house […]

It’s common sense!

Euro elections coming up, which means political stuff is being dropped through our letterbox everyday. We’ve had the Tories (I think that ended up in the bin before I had even seen it), we’ve had Labour, we’ve had the Greens. Today we had the BNP. There’s something inherently unpleasant and […]

Movie catch-up

Seen quite a few movies over the last couple of weeks, whether on a plane, on holiday in Derbyshire or back here over the Bank Holiday weekend. To sum up – Frost/Nixon – Great little thriller, with Ron Howard pulling the Apollo 13 trick and making a story with a […]