A hive of scum and villainy

For the ‘official’ FXhome report on the trip, check this out. It’s been a non-stop two weeks, in which I’ve travelled rather absurd distances given the time involved. On Wednesday 15th the NAB team at work suddenly realised that the show had the potential to benefit me and Tim as […]

115027 – Waterfalls

I just finished writing a chapter that’s been bubbling around my head since about 2001. During early development of Evinden, back when it was destined to be a movie script, I was discussing the basic concept with my housemate at the time, an aspiring filmmaker himself by the name of […]

Gran Torino

Saw Gran Torino today, keeping up my 1-film-a-week routine. Well, other than last week, but we were in Hastings, so I’ll let myself off. The story is basically about Charlton Heston turning into Paul Newman. It was pretty good. At times fantastic, with some very funny moments of Grumpy Clint. […]

Changing up

When Evinden was first conceived as a movie, it was intended to be told in a generally omniscient manner, leaping deftly between locations and characters with gay abandon. When I rejiggled it into a novel, I switched things around a bit so that it was third person subjective, with sizeable […]

111576 – Tarn time

With one section finished, it’s time to shift the narrative to another character – this time it’s Tarn’s turn. Telling the story from a non-omniscient point of view has its challenges, mostly that the narrative character needs to be in the right place at the right time in order for […]

110713 – On the final edge

Just a quick update, because #1 Ladies’ Detective Agency is on shortly. Had an excellent weekend in Hastings visiting Chris, Jen and Eve. Made it to Scotney Castle and Bodiam Castle. More on this once I’ve had a chance to upload some photos. Didn’t get round to seeing a movie […]


Finally saw Watchmen this afternoon, and utterly loved it. Crucially, the characters on the screen are exactly as I saw them in my head when reading the book, and that was always going to be the main thing for me. I haven’t made my mind up about the changes to […]