107092 – Character death

Written an enormous amount tonight (for me, at least), romping through a particularly crucial scene. Very, very exciting stuff. Notably it also marks a major character death, which was extremely creepy to write – all the foreshadowing leading up to it, the long, drawn-out moment itself, and the too-late realisation. […]

Slumdog Millionaire

Finally got round to seeing this film, having heard about it for months and watched it gradually make the rounds of all the award shows. Inevitably it’s gone from being hugely popular to having a post-Oscar backlash, as is inevitable for anything that has that much success in such a […]

103446 – Before the Fall

Pushing on nicely now. Still managing to write morning and evenings (during the week, at least), treating it as more of a ‘job’ than I have before. Interestingly, it’s much more pleasurable to write this way than in fits and starts. Ideas flow more smoothly, complexities resolve themselves with clarity […]

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Went to cinema for the first time in months this afteroon to see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. I’m not entirely certain when I last went to the cinema, which gives you an idea of how long ago it was, but I believe it may have been to watch […]

101681 – morning, noon and night

Well, morning and night, at least. Not quite managed noon yet. But, yes, I did indeed get up Especially Early today in order to squeeze in some book writing prior to going to work. And you know what? It felt really, really good. If I can keep this up everyday […]

100932 – in the big city

Finally broke the 100k mark! Whether that’s a good thing or not remains to be seen; I’ll no doubt cut a massive chunk out of the book when I get to editing, as I have an unfailing tendency to over-write everything by quite a margin. Everything is going rather well […]

This is February?

A couple of days ago I realised with a shock that it was already February. Given that my deadline for an Evinden first draft is the end of February,  I experienced a moment of mild panic. Back at the very start of the year the end of February seemed a […]

96738 – the big reveal

This is more like it. I feel like I’m actually getting somewhere now – still not fast enough, mind you, but I can feel the momentum building. Plus the appraisal is done with (and seemed to go positively), so my evenings can now focus on Evinden more fully. Of course, […]

95,142 – interference range

Slowly but surely, slowly but surely. Another 830 words since the last update. Not nearly fast enough, but nonetheless heading in the right direction. I’ve finished a major action set piece and am now indulging in a highly atmospheric reveal of Aviar (or its fate), a city important to the […]