E3 highlights: Fallout 3
The Fallout games have reached almost mythical status among PC gamers. (more…)
The Fallout games have reached almost mythical status among PC gamers. (more…)
Apologies for the lack of a preview article yesterday – life unfortunately overtook me and time slipped away. (more…)
Well now, isn’t this exciting? I’ve only gone and started up another blog. I mentioned Potential Gamer last time, but since then it’s actually become a reality. Small steps so far, with a daily update focusing on the news coming Read more…
As I mentioned yesterday, going into E3 there wasn’t really much on my radar otherĀ than Left 4 Dead. (more…)
While I’m unfortunately too unimportant and poor to actually attend E3, I can scour the web as well as the next person in search of juicy tidbits. (more…)
When I set up Potential Gamer last week, I didn’t expect one of the first articles to focus on Super Monkey Ball. (more…)
Introversion first project since DEFCON will be Multiwinia, sort-of sequel to their 2005 masterpiece Darwinia. (more…)
Well, I’ve taken the plunge and created a new blog, dedicated entirely to gaming. I say plunge, but it’s currently more of a dainty paddle, given that there’s almost no content as of yet. Hopefully that will change fairly soon Read more…
I need a first post to get the ball rolling, so how better to start than with a brief (and probably foolish) declaration? (more…)
As you will have already noticed if you’re…here, I have switched from Blogger to WordPress. This was done for a variety of reasons; aesthetic, functional and otherwise. It seems to fit what I want to do a little better and Read more…