Steam Controller impressions from someone who doesn’t like controllers

Every negative article on the Steam Controller has been from experienced gaming journos, all of whom tend to profess to having used traditional controllers for over a decade. These are people who love Xbox or Playstation controllers and have a ton of muscle memory invested in them. It’s not surprising that they’re finding it difficult to adapt to something very different. Crucially, I think they’ve forgotten the initial learning curve they had with the Playstation and Xbox controllers, because it was decades ago. (more…)

This Day and Age – Colchester 60 Hour Film Festival 2015

Over the weekend I worked on a short film for the Colchester 60 Hour Film Festival. It’s called This Day And Age and you can watch it here:

Aside from a single VFX shot I contributed to The Splinter Cell last year (some BTS on that here), this is pretty much the first film project I’ve been part of since my son was born three years ago. Which is fine – I’ve had far too much fun helping him grow into something awesome to dilly-dally with making films. (more…)

I was part of The First Annual Story Fair

Yesterday I took part in The First Annual Story Fair, an event bringing together a bunch of Wattpad writers to promote their works via an online event hosted on Facebook. I had no idea what to expect. Since I started using Wattpad I’ve had only positive experiences but this was […]

First 5 Minutes: Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

I played Brothers just after my son was born, as I recall. Everything is a bit of a blur around that time. Without wanting to play the father card too heavily, that timing definitely informed my experience with the game (just as playing The Walking Dead just before he was born helped me examine my fears of becoming a father). (more…)