Musings from the render farm


When I say ‘render farm’, I do of course mean my one and only computer. So while it valiantly chugs through the rendering of VFX shots for Arms Race I’m left unable to use it for much else.

So, here I am on my S3 finding out just how painful it is to type a blog post on my mobile phone. As it turns out, the combination of the S3’s absurdly massive screen and the stunning SwiftKey keyboard makes it rather pleasant and easy. This is the first time typing on a portable device hasn’t irritated me. It’s almost productive! (more…)

Joyce Percy, 1918 – 2012

My grandmother died while I was in Amsterdam at the IBC show. Her funeral was held on Friday in Kingsclere, where she had lived for many years. All the family were there, of course, and it was a wonderful service full of happy memories and some tears. I had the […]

Hot Source, first impressions

I attended a local Norwich networking event for media/marketing types this evening called Hot Source. I’ve been attempting to go for about 6 months, ever since Ryan from Lambda Films told me about it but have always been pre-empted by other circumstances. And so the last Thursday of May rolled […]

The Arms Race Escalation shoot

I’ve got this entire week off work, not for a holiday but for the biggest, most ambitious project It’s A Trap have ever attempted.

Back in 2010 we produced a short film called Arms Race. It began life as a few quick test shots to try out a cool gatling gun prop that Nigel Clegg had made and then rapidly expanded into a full short film. Here it is:
