Potential Gamer

Well, I’ve taken the plunge and created a new blog, dedicated entirely to gaming. I say plunge, but it’s currently more of a dainty paddle, given that there’s almost no content as of yet. Hopefully that will change fairly soon – I’ve got a preview pack for Multiwinia arriving soon, […]

Moving to WordPress

As you will have already noticed if you’re…here, I have switched from Blogger to WordPress. This was done for a variety of reasons; aesthetic, functional and otherwise. It seems to fit what I want to do a little better and has a cleaner interface that pleases me. I’ll actually be […]

Y the last issue??

It’s been a good year for books so far. I’ve somehow managed to read three (well, five, I suppose, as one is a trilogy – although another is as long-running comic series, comprising ten trades…let’s just forget the numbers), all of which have all leaped quickly into my ‘all-time favourites’ […]

Piece by piece

We’re building the set for the FXhome Film up at work at the moment. I’ve never really done anything quite like it (not being the DIY type) and it’s rather fun, seeing it taking shape piece by piece, each beam or panel making it seem more and more like a […]

Mass Effect

The problem with being a PC gamer is that, while you sometimes get better versions of games, you tend to be writing about them a year-or-so after the rest of the planet. PC scoops are often old news to everyone else. Which brings me to Mass Effect, a game that […]

Bring Firefly Back!!

That was all I had to say. I’d rather be Zoe than Kaylee.. results: You are Kaylee Frye (Ship Mechanic) Kaylee Frye (Ship Mechanic) 80% Zoe Washburne (Second-in-command) 80% Malcolm Reynolds (Captain) 65% Dr. Simon Tam (Ship Medic) 65% Derrial Book (Shepherd) 50% Inara Serra (Companion) 45% Wash (Ship Pilot) […]

Future history

I first came across the term ‘future history’ inside the pages of an Asimov novel – most likely one of the Foundations and almost certainly a reprint, probably containing one of the man’s excellent introductions. Apparently it was coined by Heinlein as the title of a short story and was […]