Plot hole diary

The big experiment begins this week – can we crew the film project partially with community members? It’ll be interesting to see what happens. Completed this round of video interviews today (the one with the writer went extremely well – he’s a very enthusiastic chappy), although I’m still waiting […]

The new project revealed

At last the FXhome Film Project has been announced, so I can finally talk about it! I’m heading up the behind-the-scenes stuff, hence the previous blog about video interviews. The first one with Josh went up with the announcement and there will be lots more to come in the next […]

Video interviews

I conducted my first proper video interview today. And, no, the amusingly rushed Zurich interviews don’t count. Of course, I’ve done my fair share of interviews while at FXhome, chatting away to various indie filmmakers all over the world. But almost entirely they have always taken place via email – […]

Bioware pull a fast one

Remarkably, Bioware/EA have changed their DRM policy on Mass Effect and Spore, following the furore over the 10-day check system. Reading between the lines, I can’t help but think that Bioware deliberately announced the system in order to provoke the inevitable uproar, so that they could then present evidence to […]

Bioware/EA turn DRM up to 11

Bioware/EA have decided to employ a hugely draconian DRM system on the forthcoming Mass Effect, which rather aggravates me, given that it was a must-have purchase for me until the SecuROM anti-piracy gubbins was revealed this week. In a nutshell, after the initial Internet activation (fair enough), the game needs […]

The Guardian knows stuff

The Guardian recently ran a rather inciteful piece on gaming, which you can read here. As you peruse the article, you’ll no doubt notice the worrying lack of sensationalism; the clearly misguided lack of panic and fear; the disturbing amount of understanding and genuine research that has gone into Bennett’s […]

Northumberland 2008

Northumberland 2008 We returned on Friday from our week’s holiday to Northumberland, where we had travelled to see castles, walk through gardens and take in some refreshing sea air. As you can see from the photo album above, we certainly got our fair share of all of those. First we […]

Evinden update

Time for an update on Evinden, I think. Current word count: 77,905Current page count: 221 Start date for project: 11 April 2001, allegedly. This is the oldest file I have archived on the computer relating to the project – a file called ‘Ideas.doc’. Rather terrifyingly, that means I’ve been working […]

The wise words of Mr Gaiman

Neil Gaiman wrote an interesting thing in his journal recently: “The worst thing in writing something for someone else, and I’ve found this several times over the years, especially in movies, is where you talk to an editor or an executive and you think that you’re talking about the same […]


Battlestar Galactica is back with season four. Remarkably, it is still extremely good. In fact, it remains quite clearly the best thing on television – at least in as much as I am aware. It’s also the best sci-fi for about two decades, irrespective of TV or cinema. So say […]