Creative madness!

The creative process is a pretty bonkers thing, especially if you’re attempting to work in a group, with everyone bringing disparate and conflicting ideas to the table of what the finished article should be. As part of a film project I’m working on, this week has seen the most intense […]

Orbital 2008

We just attended our first convention! Or ‘con’ as everybody calls them, which was at first slightly worrying. On Friday we jumped in the car (after completing Leiali’s Integral Cleaning Regime, that is) and headed off for a lovely long weekend break at….Heathrow. Not exactly the number one choice of […]

Simon attempting to ‘act’

Guess who this is: Yes, that’s right. It’s me, being a tit! A rather amusing (near) end to the year at work. This week is finally a little bit quieter than the last few, so I’ve had time to do some more interesting stuff and start to get everything back […]

My God, it’s full of December!

I’m not entirely sure how it got to be December – I’m sure it was only October a couple of months ago. It’s been an extremely busy few months for me, with work going utterly nuts due to our Christmas deals, two entirely new products (PhotoKey and VideoWrap) and brand […]

Bruges holiday

Little late with this one, as we actually went to Bruges what seems like ages ago. In the meantime we’ve been quite ridiculously busy, both at home and at work (decoratingnewcomputerhendovisitvideowrapetcetc), and we never quite got round to blogging about it. It’s all a bit late now to go into […]

Happy Birthday Jenny!

As soon as there isn’t a strike, your prezzies and card will be winging their way to you. Until then, here’s a picture to say we haven’t forgotten you. Will add this on facebook too! Happy Birthday Jen, from Simon & Nadia – See you in a couple of weeks?

The Detective and the Robot

Following hot on the heels of Nadia’s new stories, I’ve finally got round to editing my final piece, following Ian’s comments at the end of the course. I’ve added a few bits and tweaked a few pieces and I think it’s much better now, even though most of the changes […]


Finally, I have put my two stories up. The short one, entitled ‘Goblins’ is the first one I wrote for our creative writing class, so it was written at some point in May and based on a dream I had many years ago. The second is my final piece ‘Journey […]

New officey goodness

This last week up at FXhome we’ve been moving down the corridor and into new offices, which has been rather knackering but also most excellent! I like to think that my recent DIY experience with the spare room came in handy, as I felt like I was decidedly less useless […]