Visiting Chris & Jen in Hastings!

Llama hats are brilliant. During the summer they’re slightly less brilliant, so I haven’t had much opportunity to show off my membership of the Llama Hat club since the inaugural night with Mr Wayne. During our visit to Hastings a few weeks back, however, I got an opportunity to adorn […]

The Computer(s)

Long while since the last entry and there’s lots to talk about! It’s been a rather manic month-or-two, one way or another, so I wasn’t entirely sure where to start. Given that I’m currently plonked in front of my new computer, however, I thought I’d start there! Due to Nadia […]

Next time, we get a pro

This weekend I have been mostly getting covered in paint. As part of our Spare Room Rejiggling, we wanted to get rid of the deep, dark purple that has been on the walls since we moved in and shift over to something a little brighter and less girly goth. The […]

Mike & Rachel’s Wedding

It would be more traditional, of course, to accompany this entry with a photo of the bride and groom looking all elegant and glamorous, but I simply couldn’t resist this rather marvellous snap of Jenny’s horror at the sight of a tumbling load of wooden bricks. Admittedly it was rather […]

Transformers (2007) review

OK, deep breath. Where to start? First off, I won’t be reviewing this as a Transformers film, or comparing it to the stuff I remember from my childhood, or which I read in comics as a teenager. There’s simply no point, as this film has nothing to do with any […]

Story up

I’ve got Simon to post one story up, will post the next one when it comes back from the tutor..marked. I hope people recognise the main character, and would appreciate feedback.

Final pieces submitted!

We were rather last minute (or I was, at least) but we’ve finally handed in our final coursework for the Creative Writing: Science Fiction and Fantasy course that we’ve been doing for the last twelve-or-so weeks. It was thoroughly enjoyable throughout and I look forward to hopefully meeting up with […]

Looming deadlines and writer’s block

Back at university, entire semesters would go past with hardly any work to do, then we’d suddenly find ourselves deluged by multiple coursework projects, all to hand in the same week, leading to a manic final dash to get everything ready. Other than occasionally strenuous FXhome release deadlines, I haven’t […]

Funky film work

Back in the day, I used to make films. They weren’t particularly good but they were great fun to put together. More importantly, they taught me a lot about what not to do. Unfortunately, just as I felt like I was grasping what was necessary to make something decent, I […]


No, not of my novel, Evinden, but of a film script I’ve been working on for a fair few weeks now. Rather a long slog, and it’s still only a first draft, but at last the entire thing is down on paper. As usual with everything I write, it’s far […]