ADoF wrtiting notes: Lineage

Read A Day of Faces here. Read this specific chapter here. Read all the writing notes here. After ‘Infection’s stealthy, heist-like shenanigans, ‘Lineage’ turns things up to 11 with a full-on shoot-out. Something that’s become a bit of a stylistic theme of A Day of Faces is having little mini […]

ADoF writing notes: Infection

Read A Day of Faces here. Read this specific chapter here. Read all the writing notes here. Although there’ve been a couple of action-ish moments in previous chapters – the glimpsing of the rooftop fight, and Cal’s unfortunate encounter with Kay’s dad – those have been either mostly off-screen or […]

ADoF writing notes: Vision

Read A Day of Faces here. Read this specific chapter here. Read all the writing notes here. This is one of those chessboard chapters, by which I mean it’s all about positioning the pieces just right. It’s setting up the series finale, which inherently involves a bit of exposition. The […]

ADoF writing notes: Nurture

Read A Day of Faces here. Read this specific chapter here. Read all the writing notes here. The specifics of the fight in this chapter remained fluid even as I wrote it. Originally the actual fighting was going to be more protracted and ‘actiony’, rather than a mostly accidental flailing […]

ADoF writing notes: Nature

Read A Day of Faces here. Read this specific chapter here. Read all the writing notes here. Interesting thing here is that it’s the first time that I changed something after publishing. The mention of ‘slushy romance novels’ was originally about kids adventure books. It felt wrong when I wrote […]